Businesses that offer consumer oriented products or services, earn more attention and business from the consumers. The challenge begins when you have to differentiate and categorize the target consumers based on various factors; where preferences, location, and occupation are few to name.

But, first comes the issue of gathering data, feedback and insight from both potential and existing consumers. Expandus provides you actionable insights into how your products and services are perceived by your customers through surveys and monitoring customer interactions.


What are the Challenges

  • Gather customer viewpoint using a systematic approach
  • Generate actionable insights from huge pool of unstructured data

What We Offer

  • Voice of customers for product & service improvements
  • Help reducing customer churn and gain competitive advantages
  • Structured feedback collection for generating actionable insights

Why Us ?

  • Symflow employs a segmented approach to capture and analyze past data of customers and attain a reliable guide for the future
  • With defined understanding of consumer behavior, we help foster loyalty, and hence boost profitability for your business.