Explosion of new applications on Apple Store and Google Play is making it increasingly difficult for companies with a stringent marketing budget to get their apps discovered. Currently over 1.6 Million Apps exist on Google Play Store, while Apple Store offers nearly 1.5 Million Apps for installation.

With towering costs of customer acquisition, companies seeking opportunities to promote their apps are facing a major challenge of finding and targeting the right user base.

Symflow provides you an alternate channel to promote your Apps and connect with end-users directly.

What are the Challenges

  • Higher Acquisition costs caused by lower conversions of active users acquired through push marketing.
  • Differentiating your app among plethora of Me-too apps on digital media and App store channels
  • Significant percentage of app uninstalled by newly acquired users after being used once or twice.

What We Offer

  • Introduction of your app at device acquisition stage, thus enhancing usage probability
  • App related customer education leading to higher active user percentage
  • Guided user onboarding, leading to enhanced consumer awareness and support.

Why Us ?

  • Expert humanized channel to acquire new users for your App
  • Targeted organic user acquisition based on Demographics like Location, Gender, Mobile device price range and more.
  • Lower overall acquisition cost for new and active users with increased App download hits.